DDI at IL-59 & I-88
In 2015, inVISION Studios was contracted to produce a video simulation representing the future Diverging Diamond Interchange at IL-59 and I-88 in DuPage County, Illinois. The purpose of the roadway visualization was to present the infrastructure and its unique traffic circulation pattern for various presentation purposes.
Our goal was to accurately depict the interstate crossing, pavement markings, signage, landscape materials, and vehicle circulation. As with every inVISION Studios production, we also wanted to integrate as much of the adjacent site detail, architecture, and vegetation as possible while staying within the project time frame and budget in order to provide relevant context.
Production consisted of building an accurate digital model of the proposed roadway from the client-provided project design files. To best explain the interchange, it was necessary to simulate vehicular and bike traffic circulating together throughout the system. For this project, VISSIM data was not provided so all traffic movement was improvised. Unique to this simulation is the careful coordination of vehicle movement and traffic signals, smooth vehicular motion and synchronized wheel rotation with the movement of vehicles closest to the camera. The final aerial and driver’s perspective video accurately and realistically represented the proposed interchange and allowed IDOT to succesfully present this project to the public.